Engage in High-Level Sessions of SHCONF Language Conference and Refine Your Ideas
Language, Literature, Linguistics, Education, Communication Studies and many other themes and topics are on the agenda for the 8th World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities. SHCONF literature conference will provide a platform for young researchers to present and share their works, findings, and ideas with senior researchers of their field. The papers submitted to language conference will be published in the proceedings e-book and those evaluated to be of high quality, will be further considered for publication in International indexed Journals. All members of the Scientific Community are invited to participate in this international academic project, by presenting papers related to any of the proposed topics and use this great opportunity to establish new academic networks.
Get Familiar With Brilliant Speakers of 2025 Literature Conference
The linguistics conference is attended by thought leaders, influencers, students, and other members of academia from all over the world. Learn about their challenges and discuss solutions in the highly engaging environment of the conference.
Language Conference Topics
- African Literature
- American Literature
- Asian Literature
- Bilingualism
- British Literature
- Children’s Literature
- Drama
- English language teaching
- Euphemisms
- European Literature
- Fairy tales
- Fiction
- Folklore
- Grammar and Word Use
- Humorous Literature
- Language Acquisition
- Language and Advertising
- Language and Cultural Identity
- Language and Gender
- Language and Power
- Language and Technology
- Language and the Media
- Language Disorders
- Language of Politics
- Languages and Dialects
- Literary Styles and Movements
- Literary Theory
- Minority languages
- Multilingualism
- Musical Theater
- Mystery and Detective Fiction
- Myth and Folklore
- Nonfiction
- Novels
- Offensive Language
- Philosophy of Language
- Phonetics
- Phonology
- Poetry
- Professional Jargon
- Science fiction
- Semantics
- Short Stories
- Standard and Non-Standard English
- Symbolism
- Terminology
- Theater
- Written Language
- Sign Language
- Artificial languages
- Borrowed words
- Constructed languages
- Discourse Analysis
- Figurative Language
- Language revitalization
- Language and Advertising
- Linguistic Anthropology
- Linguistic Change
- Metaphor
- Philology
- Philosophy of Language
- Pidgins
- Pragmatics
- Psycholinguistics
- Psychology of Language
- Regional languages
- Secret languages
- Semiotics
- Sociolinguistics
- Adult and Continuing Education
- Civic Education and Leadership
- Classroom Management
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Distance Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Education Policy
- Educational Administration
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Standards
- Educational Technology
- Educational Theory
- E-Learning
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- Humanities Education
- Learning Disabilities
- Learning Styles & Theories
- Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Special Education
- Testing & Assessment
- Advertising
- Bot journalists
- Business & Organizational Communication
- Cartoons
- Comic strips
- Communication Arts
- Communication Management
- Education Communications and Technology
- Embedded journalism
- Fake news
- Film & Cinema
- Human Communication
- Information Communication
- Internet
- Journalism
- Language and Communication
- Media ethics
- Media Studies
- Political Communication
- Press embargoes
- Print Media
- Privacy
- Public Relations
- Publishing
- Radio
- Slanting
- Social & Ethical Issues in Communication
- Social media
- Social media literacy
- Social networking
- Tabloids
- Telecommunications
- Television
- Yellow journalism
Other related Social Sciences and Humanities, tracks and topics will also be considered.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review. Detailed instructions and full paper submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference.