About Conference

Why Attend This Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities

The 8th World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities is returning in 2025! Having reviewed the feedback from our attendees, we knew that this event is here to stay. We have received an overwhelming amount of praise for the quality of content at the 2025 event and are excited to launch the next edition of SHCONF.

It will take place on the 14th-16th of March in the beautiful city of Berlin, Germany. The program is designed by the expert scientific committee, which carefully vet all abstract and paper submissions to ensure that every presentation – be it an oral or a poster one – adheres to the highest standards of quality. Discussing the latest trends in the field, SHCONF 2025 is a must-attend academic event of the year, bringing together academics from all over the world. Have you added it to your calendar yet?

See you at SHCONF 2025!

conference on social sciences and humanities

Important Deadlines

What makes this conference on social sciences and humanities different

Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 07 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline

21 February 2025

Registration Deadline

04 March 2025


14 – 16 March 2025

Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities – Themes and Topics

The International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics: Social SciencesHumanitiesLanguage and Literature. Other related tracks and topics will also be considered.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review. Detailed instructions and full paper submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference.

Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics

social science conferences

The 8th World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the conference first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/

Paper Publication Opportunity

Academic management and economics conference Proceedings And Publication
The Abstracts of all accepted & registered papers will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with ISBN Number. Full papers will have publication opportunities in various Indexed International Journals, including SCOPUS, Web of Science, DOAJ, and many more, or as a Book Chapter.

  • Each Paper will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref.
  • The abstract book/proceedings shall be submitted to Google Scholar for Indexing.
  • The Conference Proceedings will be published with the ISBN Number.
  • All registered papers have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals.
Conference proceedings

Uncover New Trends and Address Common Challenges at One of The Most Important Humanities and Social Science Conferences of 2025

conference on social sciences and humanities

Apply to Speak

Take advantage of the international environment of the event and present your research to the diverse and vibrant community of academics, students, and researchers. Please note that due to the limited number of presentation slots, we strongly encourage early submission.

Present Your Poster

In addition to oral presentations, the academic conference on social sciences and humanities will feature posters from top academics in the industry. Apply to present your poster at this premier conference.

Do A Virtual Presentation

Can’t join the event in person? Apply to do a virtual presentation. Share your knowledge and experience and receive an international conference on social sciences documentation.

conference on social sciences and humanities

Publish Your Paper

An international conference on social sciences is the perfect publishing platform for your next research paper. All registered accepted research papers will be published and indexed in the conference proceedings. All accepted & registered papers will be published with ISBN Number in a soft form.

Network With Peers

The academic conference on social sciences and humanities is attended by thought leaders, influencers, students, and other members of academia from all over the world. Learn about their challenges and discuss solutions in the highly engaging environment of the conference.

Explore Berlin

We will host a free tour for the participants of the academic conference on social sciences and humanities around the majestic city of Berlin Its rich history and captivating architecture make it one of the most popular conference locations in the world.

Why Berlin?

Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, but also in many ways the capital of Europe, sitting at the crossroads of the East and West. Germany serves as the continent’s largest economy and the world’s fourth-largest overall. It’s a major player in the industry, engineering, science, and renewable energy, and Berlin has recently been dubbed the start-up capital of Europe.

It’s a country known for its rich culture, world-famous festivals, beautiful landscape, and war-torn history. By occupying such an important place in the political, economic, and cultural worlds, Germany – Berlin in particular – makes for a compelling study abroad destination.

One Day City Tour Free of Charge

We would also like to offer the participants a one-day city tour free of charge. Great chance for participants to mingle around as well as appreciate the city of Berlin famous for its vibrant culture, architecture, art scenes, and excellent cuisines. Berlin, the capital, is renowned for its exceptional variety of attractions, it’s flourishing cultural scene and a way of life that’s both fast-paced and relaxed. Contrasts between historical buildings and modern architecture, between the traditional and the modern, are what set the city apart from the rest. Hope to see you all on March 14-16, 2025.

conference on social sciences and humanities

Conference Venue

Leonardo Berlin Mitte